I, whose signature appears below, authorize the use of my name, likeness and/or photographs concerning the above story for possible inclusion in newsletters, aaaspolicyfellowships.org, aaas.org, social media accounts or any publication of AAAS or the AAAS S&T Policy Fellowships with the understanding that my permission need not be secured prior to publication of any part of their contents. I understand that AAAS may edit the submission as necessary for publication. Furthermore, I grant to AAAS the non-exclusive worldwide and perpetual rights to use or license my likeness, voice and comments as it relates to the submission above.
If applicable, I verify that the story submitted is my own original, factual work and that neither it nor any photos submitted, violate the copyright or others. I also understand that any time my story is published, it will include my name and fellowship placement information. There will be no monetary remuneration for the use of this work.
I understand that AAAS will provide attribution for its use of photos I provide to AAAS, Recordings and Collateral materials as posted by AAAS on the Internet, or used elsewhere in whole or in part, and also understand that AAAS does not make any warranty regarding attribution of work shared or utilized by others.
I understand that AAAS is relying on this Release, and that my release and consent are irrevocable. I certify that I have read and understand this consent and release prior to signing it and by signing below agree to all terms and conditions herein.